Duncan McClure Fisher

Duncan McClure Fisher

Duncan McClure Fisher

Duncan McClure Fisher, Chief Executive Officer

25 years experience in automotive financial services. Focusing on underwriting, administration, sales and marketing, to deliver successful business strategies.

Duncan is an experienced entrepreneur, with a track record in launching and successfully developing a series of B2C and B2B automotive businesses.

He founded MotorEasy following prior success with the start-ups AutoTrust in the Netherlands and Warranty Direct, which he founded with his father in 1997. 

Duncan has developed Intelligent Motoring into a portfolio of complementary businesses working across the aftersales and vehicle ownership value chain. Collectively, they provide a suite of 11 motoring products and solutions, supporting vehicle owners, automotive retailers and garage workshops.

As a platform, it combines data intelligence and software with a service (SWAS) solutions to structure, price and deliver “cradle to grave” solutions across the vehicle ownership and lifecycle.

Duncan has built a team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals around him to transform Intelligent Motoring into the UK’s leading Digital Mobility specialist.

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